Best Web Series
22 Bones, the Adventures of Yorick, a Skull Directed by Deb Ethier
a Story about This web series follows the exploits of an engaging and inventive skull and his unbelievably oddball crew of benevolent pirates as they navigate their way through some rather interesting situations. Off-kilter and quirky, the micro-short (1-4 minute) weekly animated episodes (in mind-boggling FourtoThreeVision!) are chock-full of geeky anachronistic fun!
Offered here is episode 1.
The full series (a total of 22 episodes) may be found on Vimeo here: or on YouTube here:
About the Director: Deb Ethier
I have at various times in my life been an artist, musician, writer, educator, history and vintage film buff, puppet maker and children's theatre director, finally tying them all together with stop-motion and mixed-media animation. "Seat of the Pants Film Lab" is basically a one-person, no-budget endeavour in which I wear all of the hats.
Trailer of the film
Behind the scenes of the film